Aimovig (CGRP monoclonal antibody) is approved by the FDA!

Yesterday the FDA approved the long-awaited breakthrough drug for the prevention of migraines. It promises to provide relief to two out of three migraine sufferers with minimal side effects.

It should become available in a couple of weeks. The cost of the monthly injection is $575, but hopefully most insurance plans will cover it. The insurance companies are likely to require that the patient first try and fail a couple of inexpensive drugs before paying for Aimovig, as they do with Botox.

The medicine comes in a simple-to-use auto-injector and after the initial injection patients will be able to self-administer it.

To patients of the New York Headache Center – please call the office and schedule an appointment.

  1. Dr. Mauskop says: 05/18/201811:03 pm

    Aimovig and Botox have no negative interactions, so they can be given at the same time. This combination may be a good idea if neither treatment alone provides complete relief of migraines.

  2. Dr. Mauskop says: 05/18/201811:00 pm

    Yes, Aimovig is most likely effective for cluster headaches as well because a similar drug, galcanezumab, which is still in development, was recently reported to relieve cluster headaches as well as migraines.

  3. Ellen says: 05/18/20189:56 pm

    Is there information available on whether those of us who get quarterly Botox injections can get Aimovig immediately? Or does a minimum amount of time have to lapse after the most recent Botox injection? Is there a health risk to using both Botox and Aimovig? Thank you for keeping us informed.

  4. nat says: 05/18/20189:40 pm

    Dr. Mauskop, Is Aimovig effective on cluster headaches?

  5. Adam says: 05/18/20181:10 pm
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