Alternative Therapies

A variety of electrical devices have been tried for the treatment of headaches and have been mentioned in several of my previous blogs. One study showed that passing direct current through the head may help migraines and depression. Another study recently presented at the joint meeting of the International and American Headache Societies showed that passing alternating current, just like done by any TENS (transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation) machine, but using a proprietary device, Fisher Wallace Stimulator, did not provide relief. This study performed by Dr. Tietjen and her colleagues in Ohio was blinded and involved 50 patients. They applied the stimulator for 20 minutes every day for a month with one half receiving stimulation and the other half not. After a month both groups used real stimulation for another month. While this device did not cause any serious side effects, it also did not help. Hopefully, we will soon see results of large studies using direct current stimulation since this method appears to be more promising than alternating current used in TENS devices.

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Fish oil supplements may protect the heart in stressful situations, according to a study conducted in Michigan with 67 healthy volunteers. The researchers, led by Jason Carter, looked at the effect of fish oil on body’s stress response. The volunteers were given either nine grams of fish oil pills or nine grams of olive oil as a placebo, over a two-month period. The heart rate, blood pressure and other parameters were measured before and after the study.

After two months, both groups took a math test, which involved adding and subtracting numbers in their head. Their stress response was measured. Those who took fish oil supplements had a milder response to mental stress, including heart rate and sympathetic nervous system activity, which is part of the “fight or flight” response, compared to those who took olive oil instead.

The author concluded that “these results show that fish oil could have a protective effect on cardiovascular function during mental stress, a finding that adds a piece to the puzzle on why taking fish oil helps the heart stay healthy,”

This study supports the evidence that the omega-3 fatty acids have positive health benefits on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

The author concluded that “In today’s fast-paced society, stress is as certain as death and taxes,” he added. “Moreover, our eating habits have deteriorated. This study reinforces that fish oils may be beneficial for cardiovascular health, particularly when we are exposed to stressful conditions.”

He also suggested “If you don’t do it already, consider taking fish oil supplementation, or better yet, eat natural foods high in omega-3 fatty acids.” Such foods include Alaska salmon, rainbow trout and sardines.

As far as the effect of omega-3 fatty acids on headaches, there is only one small but blinded study of 15 patients that suggests that they might help prevent migraines. Considering that in addition to counteracting the effect of stress, a major migraine trigger, omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation (which is one of the underlying processes during a migraine attack), it is very likely that omega-3 fatty acids may help some migraine sufferers.

Most people do not eat enough fish, so it makes sense to supplement your diet with omega-3 fatty acids. It is important to make sure that the brand you take does not contain mercury and other impurities. One of the brands I came across recently, Omax3 was developed by physicians from Yale university. It is pure and concentrated, meaning that you need to take only 2 capsules a day to get 1,500 mg of omega-3s. Most people who do take a supplement often don’t take enough of it. The study mentioned above used 9 grams of fish oil daily, while the headache study used 15 capsules with each containing 300 mg of omega-3s. To get the same amount from Omax3 you’d have to take 6 instead of 15 capsules.

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The manufacturer of Petadolex brand of butterbur sent me an email saying that the FDA conducted an inspection of their manufacturing plant in Germany. However, my concerns about butterbur, which I mentioned in a previous blog post, has not been addressed. Here is my email response to the manufacturer:
“Thank you for this additional information. It is good to see that the FDA conducted a “comprehensive inspection” of the manufacturing facility in Germany. However, my concerns about the safety of Petadolex are not due to possible deficiencies in manufacturing, but are related to the extraction process. As far as I know, this is why German and UK governments still do not allow the sale of Petadolex and this is why I do not recommend Petadolex to my patients. I am also concerned that because Petadolex is fairly expensive, many patients will decide to buy a cheaper brand of butterbur, which can be truly dangerous. Once Petadolex is cleared for sale in Germany I will be happy to resume recommending it to my migraine patients”.

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Nausea of migraines responds to an acupressure device, according to two German doctors who presented their findings last week at the International Headache Congress in Boston. I spoke to one of the authors, Dr. Zoltan Medgyessy about his study. The study included 41 patients, whose average age was 47 years. They had been suffering from migraines for on average 26 years and had experienced an average of 33 migraine
days over the previous three months. The average migraine pain intensity was 7 on a scale from 0 to 10; the average intensity of nausea was 6 on a 1-10 scale. Patients were instructed to use the device (Sea Band) instead of taking nausea medication during their next migraine attack and to complete and return a migraine attack diary. After using the acupressure band, 34 (83%) patients noticed a reduction of nausea and 18 (44%) reported a significant improvement in nausea. The average intensity of nausea after therapy was 3. The relief of nausea was reported after an average of 29 minutes. The average duration of the migraine attacks was 22 hours. The Sea Bands were worn on average for 18 hours. Forty patients (98%) reported that they would use Sea Band during migraine attacks again. The authors concluded that the use of an acupressure band can reduce migraine-related nausea. The advantage of this therapy is that it is drug-free and has no risks
or side-effects such as dizziness, fatigue, or restlessness seen with drugs. Its effect is rapid, and it is easy and it is inexpensive to use (in the US, $6 to $10). To prove that this method works beyond just placebo effect we need a blinded trial comparing anti-nausea medication with Sea Bands. I do recommend Sea Bands or a similar device, Psi Band for my migraine patients. A controlled trial in 60 women showed that Sea Bands relieve morning sickness of pregnancy (nausea and vomiting of pregnancy), which suggests that the relief we see in migraine patients is also real and not just due to placebo.

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Leeches are not pleasant to look at, but they have been used for medicinal purposes for hundreds of years. Growing up in the Ukraine in the 1960s I remember (this is hard to forget) seeing big jars with leeches in a corner pharmacy. Patients would bring in a prescription from the doctor for 4 leeches to be applied daily. The leeches would be placed into a small jar and taken home by the patient to treat swelling, high blood pressure and I don’t know what else. Leeches went out of fashion because of the advances in medicine and just because they are just disgusting. They are being used again in the US for removing extra blood around the scars after cosmetic surgery, arthritic pains, shingles, and other conditions.

British writer Emma Parker Bowles was recently in the news writing about how leeches cured her migraines. She decided on this unusual treatment because her headaches were so severe. She says, “the word headache doesn’t even begin to describe them”. She goes on with a vivid description, “Migraines are miserable with bells on – actually, the idea of listening to the sound of a bell with a migraine brings me out in a sweat. When I am suffering with one, I can’t even stand the sound of my sheets rustling. Apart from the intense throbbing, all-encompassing pain in my head, I also feel extremely nauseous and sensitive to light. I feel as if I am a vampire – a small sliver of daylight and POOF: I will spontaneously combust”.

Leeches do not hurt when they are applied because they first release a numbing substance, which along with a blood thinner and other chemicals released by the leech may be responsible for their beneficial effect. They do not have any known serious side effects. Leeches are used once and then destroyed to avoid transmitting diseases, although there is no reason why a person could not reuse them herself or himself. Several companies sell leeches to the public with instructions on how to use them. Although leeches have been used for the treatment of migraines for many years, there have been no good clinical trials or even reports of large series of cases, but someone should definitely undertake this research. Me? I am not sure I am ready.

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In my previous post I mentioned a TENS unit spcifically designed for the treatment of migraine headaches. It was available for a short time on, but no longer is. It is sold at COSTCO stores in Canada and in Europe. Howere, regular TENS units can be tried and they are less expensive.

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Food sensitivities have been always suspected to be a trigger for migraine headaches. A group of Turkish neurologists published a study in the journal Headache in which they gave an elimination diet to 21 migraine sufferers who also had irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The study was double-blind, randomized, controlled, and cross-over, which is the most reliable type of study. Depending on the results of blood tests against 270 potential food triggers each patient was given a diet that eliminated foods they tested positive for. On average, patients were sensitive to 23 items. Compared with baseline levels, elimination diet was associated with significant reductions in migraine attack count, maximum attack duration, maximum attack severity, and number of attacks requiring medication. There was a significant reduction in pain-bloating severity, pain-bloating within the last 10 days, and was a significant improvement in quality of life by the elimination diet as compared with provocation diet.
The authors concluded that food elimination based on IgG antibodies in migraine patients who suffer from concomitant IBS may effectively reduce symptoms of both disorders with a positive impact on the quality of life of patients.
A similar, but much larger double-blind study published in 2011 compared true and sham diets in 167 migraine sufferers. 84 patients received a diet that eliminated trigger foods identified by IgG testing and the other 83 a sham diet and neither the doctor nor the patients knew who received a true elimination diet and who was given a sham diet. After 12 weeks on these diets there was no difference between the true and the sham group, suggesting that IgG testing is not useful.

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Many people report that sex relieve their migraine and tension-type headaches. We also know that sexual activity can trigger severe headaches. A group of German researchers conducted an observational study among patients of a headache clinic. They sent out a questionnaire to 800 unselected migraine patients and 200 unselected cluster headache patients. They asked about their experience with sexual activity during a headache attack and its impact on headache intensity. 38% of the migraine patients and 48% of the patients with cluster headaches responded. In migraine, 34% of the patients had experience with sexual activity during an attack; out of these patients, 60% reported an improvement of their migraine attack (70% of them reported moderate to complete relief) and 33% reported worsening. In those with cluster headaches, 31% of the patients had experience with sexual activity during an attack; out of these patients, 37% reported an improvement of their cluster headache attack (91% of them reported moderate to complete relief) and 50% reported worsening. Some patients, in particular male migraine patients, even used sexual activity to treat their headaches.
Obviously, the majority of patients with migraine or cluster headache do not have sexual activity during headache attacks. However, the doctors concluded that sexual activity can lead to partial or complete relief of headache in some migraine and a few cluster headache patients. Some of my patients report that masturbation is as good as having sex in relieving their migraine attacks.

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Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity is known to cause or at least increase the frequency of migraine headaches. The recently published study in journal Headache by doctors from Columbia University and Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York City examined records of 502 individuals in an attempt to find out the frequency of headaches in these conditions. They looked at records of 188 patients with celiac disease, 111 with inflammatory bowel disease (such as Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis, 25 with gluten sensitivity and compared these to 178 healthy controls. Chronic headaches were reported by 30% of celiac disease, 56% of gluten sensitivity, 23% of inflammatory bowel disease, and 14% of control subjects. Migraine headaches were more common in women and those with anxiety and depression. The severity of the impact of migraine headaches was worst in celiac patients – 72% reported it to be severe, while this number was 60% in those with gluten sensitivity and 30 % with inflammatory bowel disease.
This study confirms previous observations that celiac disease and gluten sensitivity are associated with increased frequency of migraine headaches. The difference between celiac disease and gluten sensitivity was well described in this WSJ aritcle.

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Marijuana seems to help some patients with migraine and cluster headaches. However a new study suggests that it has more negative effects than previously thought. We know that smoking pot causes lung problems and risks serious damage to various organs due to possible impurities. A recent report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that regular cannabis use is harmful to health. Adolescents are beginning to use marijuana at younger ages, and more adolescents are using it on a daily basis. This study showed that persistent use of marijuana leads to neuropsychological decline. Researchers from Duke University, England and New Zealand examined records of 1,037 individuals who were followed from birth to age 38. Marijuana use was determined in interviews at ages 18, 21, 26, 32, and 38. Neuropsychological testing was conducted at age 13, before initiation of marijuana use, and again at age 38. Persistent use was associated with neuropsychological decline, including IQ, even after taking into account years of education. Persistent marijuana users reported noticing more cognitive problems. Impairment was strongest among those who started using marijuana in adolescence and the more persistent was the use the greater was the cognitive decline. Stopping marijuana use did not fully restore neuropsychological functioning and IQ among those who started its use in adolescence. This study suggests that cannabis has a toxic an persistent effect on the adolescent brain.

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Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has been convincingly proven to help pain and headache sufferers. Many people are very skeptical about the value of psychological treatments and tell me, just get rid of my migraines and I will be fine. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes time to relieve chronic headaches and pain. So, while we are trying to find relief, it helps to learn how to function better despite pain, how not to panic and become completely paralyzed by headaches, how to inform and interact better with family, friends, and employers. Research indicates, that people who take charge of their care, get involved in working with the doctor to find relief, learn relaxation techniques, rather than just sit back and wait for doctors to “fix” the problem, do much better. CBT, which usually involves relaxation training, is one way to improve your care and it usually involves 8 to 12 structured sessions. Here is an example of what might take place during these sessions:
1. Three-component CBT model (thoughts, feelings, behaviors), pain monitoring
2. Relaxation training (diaphragmatic breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery)
3. Migraine trigger avoidance
4. Pain-fatigue cycle, activity pacing, and pleasant event scheduling
5. Identifying and challenging negative thoughts (Activity, Belief, Consequences, Dispute model)
6. Problem-solving skills training and assertive communication
7. Review and practice
8. Review and practice
9. Relapse prevention
Another form of CBT is Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) and this is what a typical schedule of sessions of ACT looks like:
1. The limits of control (short and long-term costs and benefits; finger
traps), focus on experience (body scan)
2. Values (what you care about, how you want to live your
3. Cognitive defusion (observing thoughts without trying to evaluate or
change them)
4. Mindfulness (being in the moment, raisin exercise)
5. Committed action (“road map” connecting values, goals, actions,
obstacles, and strategies)
6. Review and continued action in support of values
7. Review and continued action in support of values
8. Moving forward
CBT usually is conducted by a a social worker or a psychologist and sometimes this treatment is covered by insurance. Group sessions have also been shown to be effective. However, sometimes insurance does nor cover this service or a therapist is not available. Online, web-based CBT seems to work too. Two Australian web sites offer free CBT for anxiety, depression and other problems, although they are not specifically tailored for people with headaches or pain. and are both excellent free resources for people who are looking for help, but cannot find or afford a therapist. The psychologists who developed and run these sites published results of their treatments in scientific journals, showing that self-taught CBT can be very effective. Here is a schedule of lessons for anxiety and depression on ThisWayUp website:
Lesson 1
About anxiety and depression
Learn about your own symptoms of anxiety and/or depression, and learn to tackle the physical symptoms of anxiety/depression.
Lesson 2
Identifying thoughts and tackling low activity
Learn to identify the thought symptoms of anxiety/depression, and learn to tackle the behaviours associated with anxiety/depression.
Lesson 3
Tackling thoughts
Learn to tackle the thought symptoms of anxiety/depression.
Lesson 4
Tackling avoidance
Learn to tackle avoidance behaviours associated with anxiety/depression by facing your fears.
Lesson 5
Mastering your skills
Learn to master your ability to face your fears using graded exposure, and learn to cope with the distressing emotions associated with anxiety/depression.
Lesson 6
Staying well
Learn how to avoid relapses and how to keep getting better!

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There is a long history of applying various ointments for the treatment of headaches. Widely available Tiger Balm, Head-On and other topical products can provide relief of milder headaches. There are no scientific studies proving that these treatments work beyond the placebo effect, although we do have some evidence established by Hartmut Gobel and his colleagues in Germany suggesting that the smell of peppermint can provide some pain relief. So it is possible, that the smell of herbs in Tiger Balm and possibly the cooling effect of these ointments combined with placebo effect is what accounts for the popularity of these products.
I have been using a prescription ointment for some of my patients with headaches and neck pain. This ointment has to be prepared by a compounding pharmacy and typically is not available from big chains, such as CVS or Walmart, although Walgreens does offer compounding services at some of its pharmacies. We do not have any information about the best combination of ingredients to use for the relief of headaches and pain. However, some studies indicate that topical skin application of some products does provide relief. Ketamine, which blocks the so called NMDA pain receptor can relieve pain of complex regional pain syndrome, a very serious and painful condition. Application of clonidine, a blood pressure medication has been shown to relieve pain of diabetic neuropathy – painful nerve damage due to diabetes. We also know that lidocaine is very effective when applied to the skin and it is the active ingredient in a prescription pain patch, Lidoderm. Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin or similar salicilate drugs (Aspercreme), diclofenac (Flector patch), piroxicam and other also help pain when applied to the skin. There are no studies of topical application of muscle relaxants, such as baclofen and tizanidine or an epilepsy drug gabapentin, but these drugs are often also included in compounded creams.
My usual prescription is to combine ketamine with lidocaine, piroxicam and baclofen. Unfortunately, we do not know what is the most effective combination and it would be very difficult to compare so many available ingredients in a scientific study. However, these creams are safer than oral drugs and for some patients can be as effective. Another drawback of the compounded products is that insurance often will not pay for it.

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