Alternative Therapies

Most people are right in not wanting to take medications. They can have serious or just very bothersome side effects, they help only some people and can be expensive. Fortunately, there are many ways to control migraines without drugs. Here are the top 10 non-drug therapies for migraine headaches among several dozen described in my book, The End of Migraines: 150 Ways to Stop Your Pain.

Non-drug therapies

  1. Aerobic exercise
  2. Meditation
  3. Magnesium
  4. CoQ10
  5. Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  6. Acupuncture
  7. Nerivio
  8. Cefaly
  9. Riboflavin
  10. Boswellia
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I am honored to speak at this year’s Migraine World Summit on Sunday, March 12. My topic is Safety Update: DHE, Triptans, Magnesium, Butterbur, and more.

The Migraine World Summit gives you a chance to improve your understanding of migraine headaches. 2023 dates: March 8-16. Register for free access at   Call: 8885256449,   Email:   Facebook:    Instagram: @migrainesummit


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In a recent blog post, I wrote about the benefit of different types of exercises for the relief of migraines and other types of headaches. It mentioned that strength training may be more beneficial than aerobic (cardio) exercise. A study just published in Nature Communications suggests that the time of day when you exercise also matters. Not specifically for headaches but for “all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality”.

This was a very rigorous study of 92,139 UK participants over an average of 7 years of follow-up which added up to 638,825 person-years. The timing of exercise was recorded by an activity tracker (accelerometer). Moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity at any time of day was associated with lower risks for all-cause, cardiovascular disease, and cancer mortality. However, the morning group (5:00 – 11:00), midday-afternoon (11:00 – 17:00), and mixed timing groups, but not the evening group (17:00-24:00), had lower risks of all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality.

This study suggests that exercising before 5 PM has more health benefits than exercising after 5. It is likely that this may also apply to the relief of migraines and other headaches.

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In a post last August, I mentioned that zinc could possibly extend the duration of the effect of Botox. A new report by Chinese neurologists in Headache describes their findings of an inverse association between dietary zinc intake and the occurrence of migraine in American adults.

The researchers used the data from a five-year study conducted by the CDC to assess the health and nutritional status of Americans. Data were collected using a computer-assisted dietary interview system which proved to be very reliable. Over 11,000 adults were included in the analysis of zinc intake. These subjects were divided into quintiles, according to their zinc intake. The data were adjusted for various confounding factors. These included age, sex, race, ethnicity, smoking status, body mass index, and others.

People in the lowest quintile were at least 30% more likely to suffer from migraine compared to people in the other four quintiles. Associaion does not mean causation and this study does not prove that taking zinc will prevents migraines. However, a few small studies did show the benefit of taking a zinc supplement in migraine patients.

Checking your blood for zinc levels before taking a supplement would be ideal. However, there is very little downside to taking 10-25 mg of zinc daily even if you don’t know your zinc level.

Zinc is very important for the normal functioning of the immune system, it possibly prevents macular degeneration, and has many other benefits.  Taking too much zinc can cause serious side effects. The effects of zinc toxicity are mostly due to the lowering of copper levels.


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GABA, or gamma-aminobutyric acid, is a popular supplement for the relief of anxiety and insomnia. Until recently, I was not recommending it to my patients. There are no scientific studies showing that it works. So why did I start recommending it? A report by a single patient, or as we say in scientific literature, an N of 1.

This 65-year-old woman had been suffering from anxiety from a young age. When her summer camp friends would write down everyone’s most common sayings, hers was, “I am so nervous”. This sense of anxiety persisted throughout her life. She is a successful career woman with a loving family. After a death in her family, she started seeing a psychologist who suggested taking GABA for insomnia. Within days, she was overcome by a sense of calmness she never experienced in her life. It’s been several months now and she remains calmer than ever before.

Certainly, this could be a placebo effect. In addition to the lack of controlled clinical trials, it is not even clear if GABA gets into the brain by crossing the so-called blood-brain barrier (BBB). It is possible, however, that it does not have to cross BBB. There is evidence that GABA may work through the enteric nervous system (ENS) – nerve endings lining the intestines. Both GABA and its receptors are widely distributed in the gut. Certain probiotics such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium were found to increase GABA concentrations in the ENS. Probiotics have been shown to improve mood. This effect may be occurring through the vagus nerve. Vagus nerve is a large nerve that connects the intestines and all internal organs with the brain. It was somewhat of a surprise that vagus nerve stimulation at the neck level was proven (and FDA-approved) to relieve refractory depression and epilepsy.

GABA has been a popular supplement for many years. This obviously does not prove that it really works. However, it is very safe and relatively inexpensive. I would consider trying it before taking a prescription drug for anxiety or insomnia. Those can have significant side effects and in a 65-year-old may increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. And I always recommend regular exercise and meditation before any supplements.

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Thank you, Lisa Robin Benson for a kind review of my book. This is a video review on the website.

Many of my colleagues have written very positively about my book. It is even more gratyfing to hear that patients and patient advocates also find it useful.

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Insomnia is a very common problem. Sleep aids, over-the-counter and prescription have been proven to be harmful if taken long-term. They even raise the risk of Alzheimer’s.

A small dose of melatonin (300 mcg, or 0.3 mg) can help better than the usual 3 mg dose sold in most stores. You can also try valerian root and definitely adhere to sleep hygiene. This includes no reading or watching TV in bed, no screens for at least an hour before bedtime, no eating or exercising within two hours of going to bed, and sleeping in a cold room (65 to 68 degrees). Going to bed at the same time also helps.

If you still can’t fall asleep, try visualization. Actually, you don’t just use your visual memory but engage all the senses. This post was prompted by a WSJ article on this topic, A Happy Memory Can Help You Fall Asleep, if You Know How to Use It.

I usually imagine myself on a beach in a hammock under a tree, feeling a warm breeze on my body, seeing a beautiful view of the beach and the ocean, smelling fragrant flowers, and hearing the sound of waves lapping at the shore.

Once you find your happy place and can vividly recreate it, always use the same setting without variation. This way you will fall asleep within minutes.


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Migraine surgery is controversial. I would not consider it until most of the less invasive options have been tried. In my latest book, I give migraine surgery a score of 3, on a 1 to 10 scale. This rating may not be fair because clinical trials suggest that it can be very effective for some patients.

So, when is a referral to a surgeon warranted? Dr. Lisa Gfrerer is highly qualified to address this topic. She will speak on January 25th at a dinner of the NY Headache Club, an informal gathering of headache specialists who practice in the greater NYC area. If you are a headache specialist and would like to attend, send me a message. The meeting is not open to the lay public.

Here is Dr. Lisa Gfrerer’s short bio.

Dr. Gfrerer is an Assistant Professor in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM). She received her MD degree at the Medical School of Vienna prior to completing a PhD in Genetics at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute. She graduated from the Harvard Integrated Plastic Surgery Residency Program and completed the Advanced Peripheral Nerve and Microsurgery at the  Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). Clinically, her focus is peripheral nerve surgery including headache surgery, treatment of nerve pain and compression, breast reinnervation, as well as advanced nerve reconstruction for restoration of motor and sensory function after an iatrogenic and accidental injury. She has built a multi-institutional and multidisciplinary research program for headache surgery, breast/chest reinnervation, as well as functional nerve disorders and nerve pain. As an affiliate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) she has further focused on innovation and device development to enhance peripheral nerve regeneration.

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Daily multivitamin use was compared to cocoa extract in more than 2,200 people over 65. After three years, taking a cocoa extract had no benefit while taking a multivitamin led to a significantly slower age-related cognitive decline. This included measures of global cognition, memory, and executive function.

Many physicians discourage their patients from taking a multivitamin. They should stop. There is little downside to taking a multivitamin. It is very inexpensive and safe. Many people also feel that if they eat a well-balanced healthy diet they should not need to take vitamins. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Even foods that are considered healthy are often processed, stored for a long time, or grown in depleted soil. Another problem is that as we age our body loses its ability to absorb vitamins and minerals (as well as protein, which is a different topic).

Taking a multivitamin should be a standard recommendation for those over 65. Many younger individuals need supplements as well. Ironically, a healthy diet (especially vegan or vegetarian) is often deficient in vitamin B12. Many young people whom I see for migraine headaches are deficient in vitamin D and magnesium. The role of vitamin D is also often underappreciated by primary care doctors. Multiple studies have shown that your vitamin D level should be not only within the normal range but in the upper half of the normal range for your brain to function normally. Most people who died of COVID had low vitamin D levels. And I’ve written many times about the importance of magnesium – just search this blog.

Ideally, to approach this problem scientifically, you should have your vitamin and mineral levels checked. This will allow you to take only those vitamins that you are deficient in. the difficulty is that there are too many vitamins to check and the insurance companies often refuse to pay for these tests. Taking at least a multivitamin is a reasonable alternative.

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Opportunities & Challenges in the Management of Headache is one of the two annual courses organized by the Diamond Headache Clinic Research & Educational Foundation. This year, it will be held in San Diego from February 16th through February 19th.

The other annual event, Headache Update 2023 will be held in Orlando, Fl from July 13th through July 16th. Both courses have been always well attended and have been receiving very high marks from the attendees.

It’s been my privilege to participate in these annual courses over the past 25 years. This year I will be speaking on February 17th on Nutritional Approaches and Alternative Therapies in Migraine.

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Holidays are again upon us. There are many reasons why people experience more migraines this time of year. Family drama, all the delicious unhealthy food, and alcohol. A report just published in the journal Headache brings some good news. Scientists proved that alcohol does not trigger migraines.

The researchers evaluated the digital diaries of 493 migraine sufferers who reported drinking alcohol. They used sophisticated statistical analysis including standard deviations, Bayesian statistics, Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations, and the like, to show that there was no correlation between drinking alcohol and developing a migraine the next day.

If you still insist that alcohol gives you migraines, to paraphrase Groucho Marx, who are you going to believe, the scientists or your own lying eyes?

Another amusing paper comparing red wine with vodka as a trigger of migraines was published years ago by British researchers in The Lancet 

Migraine patients who believed that red wine but not vodka triggered their attacks were challenged either with red wine or vodka. It was a blinded study – patients were not told what they were drinking. Vodka was diluted to equivalent alcohol content, and both were “consumed cold out of dark bottles to disguise colour and flavour”. And indeed, only wine triggered a migraine attack. A group of French doctors responded to this study in a letter to the editor. They stated that the only thing this study proved was that the Brits can’t tell wine from vodka.

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