Alternative Therapies

Magnesium supplementation for the prevention of migraine headaches has been gaining wider acceptance. Dozens of studies, including several of our own, have shown that migraine sufferers often have a magnesium deficiency. Studies have also shown that taking an oral supplement or getting an intravenous infusion of magnesium, relieves migraines.

The causes of magnesium deficiency include genetic factors, poor absorption, stress, alcohol, and low dietary intake of foods rich in magnesium. A study just published in the journal Headache looked at the dietary intake of magnesium, including supplements, in those with migraines compared to people without migraines.

The study included 3626 participants, 20- to 50-years old. A quarter of these people suffered from migraines. People who consumed the recommended daily amount (RDA) of magnesium had a lower risk of migraine. This risk was the highest in those who were in the bottom quarter of magnesium consumption.

This was a correlational study, meaning that it does not prove that taking magnesium prevents migraines. However, common sense and our clinical experience, combined with all the previously published studies, strongly support taking magnesium to prevent migraines.

There are many other benefits of magnesium that I’ve written about in this blog – just enter “magnesium” into the search box and you will find a few dozen posts.

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My new book, The End of Migraines: 150 Ways to Stop Your Pain, was just published by Amazon. It is also available on Google Play and Kobo.
I am very grateful to all my colleagues who took the time to read the book and to provide advance praise for it.
This is a self-published book. This allows me to update it regularly and to set a very affordable price – the e-book version is only $3.95 and the paperback is $14.95. The e-book version has the advantage of having many hyperlinks to original articles and other resources.
If you read it, please write a brief review on Amazon or Google and spread the word about it.

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Nerivio device is approved by the FDA for the acute treatment of migraine attacks in adults. A study just published in the journal Headache indicates that it may be effective in the treatment of migraine in adolescents, aged 12 to 17.

This study was open-label, which means that it was not as rigorous as the one done to get FDA approval in adults. There was no placebo arm and it was not blinded.

Forty-five participants, out of 60 who were enrolled, performed at least one treatment. There was one device-related adverse event in which a temporary feeling of pain in the arm was felt. Pain relief and pain-free status were achieved by 71% (28/39) and 35% (14/39) of participants, respectively. At 2 hours, 69% (23/33) of participants had improvement in functional ability.

Nerivio is a remote electrical neuromodulation, or REN device. It is applied to the upper arm and the current is turned up to produce a strong sensation below the pain level. It works by stimulating endogenous pain-relieving mechanisms. A recent review of various neurostimulation methods found REN to be the only one clearly proven to be effective.

Nerivio requires a prescription from a health care provider. If you don’t have one, you can consult one at a telemedicine startup, Cove (I am a consultant for Cove). It is a disposable device that costs $99 for 12 treatments. Some insurance companies pay for it.

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Feldenkrais method can appear magical but it is rooted in good science. It has withstood the test of time. Moshe Feldenkrais, a prominent Israeli physicist, developed his method over 70 years ago. You can read more about the science behind this method in my blog post from three years ago.

I continue to recommend it to patients with neck, back, and other pains. You can watch me do some of the exercises here, here and here.

You can find a local practitioner at but these days you can see one virtually from anywhere.

What prompted this blog post is a flier I came across in my files from the now-defunct Feldenkrais Institute. From reading it you can see that anyone can practice Feldenkrais method – it requires no physical strength or major effort. And, it cannot hurt you.

Awareness Through Movement: Keys for Success

Feldenkrais exercises are called Awareness Through Movement® lessons. Awareness Through Movement® works by changing the messages that your brain sends to your musculature, creating new options for movement, health, and vitality. Contrary to popular belief, your brain and nervous system—not your muscles—determine the health of your posture, and the ease and comfort of your movement.

When you do Awareness Through Movement®, your brain has the opportunity to discover the most efficient and comfortable way to organize your movement. You will enjoy relief from pain, tension, and discomfort, and enhance your flexibility, ease of movement, relaxation, and posture.

Following these simple guidelines will ensure that each lesson is communicated effectively and will help maximize your benefits.

  1. DO ONLY WHAT IS EASY: Make each movement easy and
    comfortable. Do not strain or stretch. Doing only what is
    easy will facilitate your ability to pay attention to the
    quality of your movement.

  2. MAKE EACH MOVEMENT SMALL: Small movements, done easily, enable your body to improve most effectively. Large movements, done with effort, reduce your ability to heal and improve.

  3. GO SLOWLY: Do each movement slowly. This will give you time to sense and feel what you are doing, so that you can easily detect and reduce unnecessary effort and strain.

  4. PAUSE BETWEEN EACH MOVEMENT: Do not repeat the movements quickly, one after another. Awareness Through Movement® is most effective when you pause and relax completely for a moment after each movement, allowing your brain time to absorb new and useful sensory information.

  5. REDUCE UNNECESSARY EFFORT: Small, slow, and easy movements allow you to detect the unnecessary effort in your body. With reduced effort, your movement will automatically improve.

  6. DON’T TRY: Your improvement will be greater and quicker if you do not ‘try to succeed’. When you try, you are more likely to use more effort than necessary.

  7. TAKE RESTS: Fatigue causes unnecessary and inefficient effort in your movement, interfering with your ability to heal and improve. If at any time during a lesson you feel a need to rest, simply pause until you are ready to continue.

  8. AVOID PAIN AND DISCOMFORT: You should never experience discomfort or pain while doing Awareness Through Movement. Only do the small amount that feels comfortable and easy. If you experience pain or discomfort, use even less effort and make each movement even smaller and slower, or try doing the movements in your imagination.

  9. USE YOUR KINESTHETIC IMAGINATION: When you visualize doing a movement, your brain sends essentially the same message to your muscles as when you are actually moving. To use your imagination, close your eyes and imagine doing the movements with ease and with as much kinesthetic detail as you can.

  10. CONTINUE YOUR PROGRESS: By doing Awareness Through Movement® often, you will initiate a process of steady improvement. You can also maximize the benefits by periodically recalling the movements of a recent lesson, including your feelings and sensations.

Copyright © The Feldenkrais Institute

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Cefaly is a neurostimulation device that was approved by the FDA in 2014. Until October of this year, it required a prescription. Several clinical trials proved the device to be not only effective but also very safe. Now it can be purchased without a prescription from the manufacturer’s website –

Cefaly is used for both prevention and acute treatment of migraine. It is applied to the middle of the lower forehead with an adhesive electrode. For acute therapy, the device is used for 60 minutes. For prevention, it is used daily for 20 minutes. Some of my patients find it effective on its own while others use it in conjunction with medications.

As far as side effects, the device is very safe. It can cause skin irritation from the adhesive or from the electrical current. Some of my patients reported worsening of their headaches. This tends to happen to patients who develop allodynia during their migraine attack. Allodynia means increased skin sensitivity. It can be so severe that sometimes a patient cannot even wear glasses or have a ponytail.

An electrical stimulation device that is better tolerated by patients with allodynia is Nerivio. It is applied to the upper arm for 45 minutes as needed. Nerivio requires a prescription but it is sometimes covered by insurance while Cefaly is not.

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Many studies have shown that virtual reality experience can relieve pain. The first such study in burn patients was published 20 years ago. A comprehensive review of this topic, Immersive Virtual Reality and Virtual Embodiment for Pain Relief was published last year by Italian researchers.

A different group of Italian researchers tested the effects of visual distraction on pain in chronic migraine patients. They compared a classical hospital waiting room with an ideal room with a sea view. Both were represented in virtual reality (VR). They measured pain and brain responses induced by painful laser stimuli in healthy volunteers and patients with chronic migraine. Pain was induced in the hand of sixteen chronic migraine patients and 16 healthy controls. This was done during a fully immersive VR experience, where two types of waiting rooms were simulated. Patients with migraine showed a reduction of laser pain rating and brain responses during the sea view simulation. Control subjects experienced the same level of pain in both types of simulated rooms.

An older study of 30 patients with chronic pain showed that 20 patients had pain relief during a VR session. Ten of them reported complete pain relief. Of the 20 who had relief, 10 had continued relief after the VR session.

A combination of VR with biofeedback resulted in lasting benefits in 9 of 10 children with chronic headaches who completed 10 training sessions.

About 5% to 10% of people who try VR get cybersickness. This is a feeling of dizziness or vertigo, similar to motion sickness. This is why VR sessions are often limited to a maximum of 30 minutes.

It appears that there are several possible approaches to the treatment of pain using VR. One is by using VR for distraction. Another, by utilizing VR to facilitate biofeedback, which is proven to relieve migraine and tension headaches. The third way, yet to be proven, is by altering body perception.

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People who suffer from migraines often have a variety of visual symptoms. These include seeing an aura prior to the onset of headache, blurred vision, difficulty reading on screens or even on paper, and eye pain.

Patients with migraines often have reduced visual quality of life (QoL). This is according to a study published in Headache by doctors at the University of Utah. They assessed the visual quality of life, headache impact, aura, dry eye, and photophobia in migraine patients.

The researchers concluded that “Dry eye seems to be the most important symptom that reduces visual quality of life and worsens headache impact.”

Research has consistently shown that dry eye disease has a significant impact on several aspects of patients’ QoL, including pain, vitality, ability to perform certain activities requiring sustained visual attention (e.g., reading, driving), and productivity in the workplace.

Some people may not be aware that their eyes are dry. Their eyes might just feel fatigued or irritated. Ophthalmologists perform the Schirmer test to detect dry eye disease. It is done by placing a strip of filter paper under the lower eyelid and measuring the length of the strip that gets wet.

It is not clear if treating dryness of the eyes will help migraine headaches but it is very likely to improve visual functioning and QoL. Some of the treatments for dry eyes include artificial tears, tear stimulation, and anti-inflammatory therapy.

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Frequent use of marijuana has a negative effect on the developing brain. Researchers at Tulane and Dartmouth medical schools looked at the possible protective effect of marijuana in severe head injury. The results were recently published in an article, Preinjury Use of Marijuana and Outcomes in Trauma Patients.

They examined records of adults who presented to two large regional trauma centers between 2014 and 2018. They included patients who had detectable levels of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in the blood. They excluded those who had other illicit drugs present.

Of the 4849 patients, 1373 (28.3%) had THC present in the blood. These patients tended to be younger, more likely to be males, and more likely to be injured by “penetrating mechanism” than those who did not have THC present. Patients with THC had a shorter hospital stay, shorter need for ventilation, and a shorter stay in the intensive care unit. The mortality rate was somewhat lower in the THC-positive group (4.3% versus 7.6%) but this difference did not reach statistical significance.

The mechanism could be related to the anti-inflammatory effects of marijuana mentioned in the previous post. Head trauma is known to trigger an immune response that leads to inflammation that in turn worsens brain damage. The researchers did not measure any inflammatory markers so this is just a speculation. It is also possible that the THC-positive group did better because it was significantly younger than the THC-negative group.

In another very large chart review study that looked at older trauma patients, intoxication with alcohol predicted better survival and shorter hospital stay. On the other hand, the presence of cocaine or marijuana worsened the prognosis.

In the US, trauma is the leading cause of death and disability in 18 to 44-year-olds. This is also the age group that is more likely to use marijuana. Consuming marijuana may increase the risk of trauma as suggested by the fact that THC-positive patients were more likely to have a “penetrating injury”. Despite the protective effect of marijuana, it is very likely that reducing its use will lead to fewer injuries and more lives saved.

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Cannabis has known anti-inflammatory properties. A group of researchers from UCSD published a study, Recent cannabis use in HIV is associated with reduced inflammatory markers in CSF and blood. They measured a variety of inflammation markers in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of people with HIV.

They showed that “Recent cannabis use was associated with lower levels of inflammatory biomarkers, both in CSF and blood, but in different patterns. These results are consistent with compartmentalization of immune effects of cannabis. The principal active components of cannabis are highly lipid soluble and sequestered in brain tissue; thus, our findings are consistent with specific anti-neuroinflammatory effects that may benefit HIV neurologic dysfunction.”

Translating this into English, smoking pot reduces inflammation not only in the body but also in the brain. Not all substances reach the brain because of the so-called blood-brain barrier. But the two main ingredients of marijuana – THC and CBD – easily dissolve in fat which allows their entry into the brain.

Obviously, not all of the effects of marijuana are beneficial. The most harmful is the inhalation of smoke which causes lung damage. Vaping medical-grade marijuana or taking it by mouth is much safer.

I’ve been prescribing medical marijuana for the past 6 years since it became legal in NY. In NY patients have a choice of capsules taken by mouth, tincture drops placed under the tongue, or vaping. I find it particularly useful for symptoms associated with migraines more than the actual pain – nausea, anxiety, and insomnia. For some, it relieves pain as well.

Marijuana seems particularly effective for pain in the elderly. One of the most dramatic responses I’ve observed was in a 95-year-old woman with severe arthritis pain. She was mentally sharp but upset about her inability to go outside and get around on her own. A small amount of marijuana produced a greater than 80% reduction in her pain. The anti-inflammatory effect of cannabis reported in the current paper could be the explanation of why it works better for arthritis pain than migraines. Inflammation does occur during a migraine process but to a lesser degree and of a different type than in arthritis.

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It’s been a year since the introduction of Nerivio, an electrical stimulation device for the acute treatment of migraines. One of the unique features of the device is that it is controlled by a smartphone app. This allows Theranica, the manufacturer of Nerivio, to collect data on its use. They just published real-world data on the use of Nerivio in the first 6 months after its introduction.

59% or 662 out of 1,123 patients treated by headache specialists and 74% or 23 out of 31 patients treated by non-headache specialists reported pain relief at two hours in at least half of their treated attacks. Complete pain freedom was achieved by 20% of the patients in the first group and 36% in the second group in at least half of their treated attacks. Only 0.5% of the patients reported device-related adverse events.

The number of patients treated by non-headache specialists is small. Nevertheless, because headache specialists tend to see patients who are more severely affected by their migraines, it is likely that the device will be more effective in the hands of non-headache specialists, or rather on the arms of patients treated by such doctors. Nerivio is a disposable device that is placed on the upper arm for 45 minutes.

My subjective impression correlates with this published data. Some of my patients use it along with their abortive medications such as triptans or NSAIDs. One patient finds that the stimulation not only relieves pain but is also very relaxing. Even though you can continue your normal activities, I recommend that patients try to relax or meditate during this treatment. The advantage of Nerivio is that is a drug-free treatment and is very safe. People who find Nerivio particularly appealing are those who have side effects from drugs, have multiple allergies, pregnant or nursing, and for whom drugs are ineffective.

Nerivio is available by prescription from your healthcare provider, by consulting (virtually or in-person) one of our headache specialists, or by connecting to a doctor on Cove, a telemedicine startup.

Disclosures: I have provided consulting services to both Theranica and Cove.

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Vitamin D deficiency predisposes to or worsens many different medical problems. I’ve written at least a dozen blog posts on vitamin D.

A group of South Korean researchers just published in the journal Neurology a study, Prevention of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo with vitamin D supplementation. A randomized trial.

They selected 518 patients with confirmed BPPV who were successfully treated with canalith repositioning maneuvers (Epley maneuver) and who had a vitamin D level below 20. The primary outcome measure was the annual recurrence rate. Patients in the intervention group were given vitamin D 400 IU and 500 mg of calcium carbonate twice a day for 1 year. Patients in the observation group were assigned to follow-ups without further vitamin D evaluation or supplementation.

The intervention group had a significant reduction in the treatment group compared to the observation group.

The authors concluded that supplementation of vitamin D and calcium may be considered in patients with frequent attacks of BPPV, especially when serum vitamin D is subnormal.

BPPV, dizziness, vertigo, difficulty with balance are more common in people with migraines. Keeping your vitamin D level at least in the middle of the normal range may help prevent all these symptoms as well as migraines and other neurological problems.

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Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland located in the brain. The release of melatonin helps us fall asleep. Melatonin supplements have been used to treat insomnia. The results of clinical trials, however, are contradictory. This may be because a wide variety of doses have been used. One study suggests that 3 mg of melatonin – a common dose sold in stores – is less effective than 0.3 mg. I usually recommend 0.3 mg (300 mcg) for both insomnia and jet lag.

Melatonin has been tested for the prevention and acute treatment of migraines.

Melatonin was not effective in a study by Norwegian doctors. They gave 2 mg of extended-release melatonin every night for 8 weeks to 46 migraine sufferers. All 46 received also received 8 weeks of placebo in a double-blind crossover trial. Migraine frequency did improve from an average of 4.2 a month to 2.8 in both the melatonin and the placebo groups.

Another blinded trial was done in Brazil by Dr. Mario Peres and his colleagues. It compared 3 mg of immediate-release melatonin with a placebo and with 25 mg of amitriptyline. The study involved 196 patients. The number of headache days dropped by 2.7 days in the melatonin group, 2.18 for amitriptyline, and 1.18 for placebo. Melatonin significantly reduced headache frequency compared to placebo. Amitriptyline did not. Not surprisingly, melatonin was much better tolerated than amitriptyline. Considering its safety and very low cost, it is worth considering a trial of 3 mg of melatonin for the prevention of migraine headaches.

It is possible that, unlike with insomnia, a higher dose is more effective for the prevention of migraines. And, the immediate-release form could be more effective than the sustained-release one.

Melatonin may be effective as an acute treatment for pediatric migraine, according to a study just published by Dr. Amy Gelfand and her colleagues at UCSF. This was an 84-patient trial, although only 46 children completed it. Both low and high doses of melatonin were associated with pain reduction. Higher dose and napping after treatment predicted greater benefit. The benefit was likely an indirect one – melatonin helped children fall asleep and sleep, often in children but also in some adults, can relieve a migraine attack.

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