Worsening of headaches in children is one of many deleterious effects of the pandemic and measures to control it. A survey of children in a headache clinic at the Children’s National Hospital in Washington DC by Dr. DiSabella and his colleagues showed that 46% of children had worsening of their migraine headaches during the pandemic.
They also reported much higher rates of anxiety, depression, and stress. Two-thirds of children reported that they exercised less. This could be one of the contributing factors since exercise has been shown to reduce the frequency and the severity of headaches.
What this survey did not explore is the effect of family stress and the presence of child abuse. Reports of child abuse have actually declined during the pandemic because most of these reports come from teachers. Chronic migraines and chronic pain are much more common in patients with a history of being physically, emotionally, or physically abused. PTSD from other causes has a similar predisposing effect and many children and adults have been traumatized by the pandemic.
Some children (as well as adults) report improvement of their headaches during the pandemic. My patients tell me that because they do not have to commute, they have more time to exercise, meditate, cook healthy meals, and get more sleep. I see this in a small proportion of patients. A larger group did worse with additional factors being worsening of headaches due to COVID and in a very small number, COVID vaccines.
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