Pain Research

Having given Botox injections to thousands of patients, I know that some patients tolerate pain better if they curse during the procedure.

A British psychologist Richard Stephens seems to have made a career out of studying the effect of cursing on pain. His first paper Swearing as a response to pain, appeared in 2009 in NeuroReport. It showed that swearing improves pain tolerance in volunteers whose hand was submerged in icy water. His next paper, which I mentioned in a post in 2011, Swearing as a Response to Pain—Effect of Daily Swearing Frequency was published in The Journal of Pain.

In this study, Stephens looked at the effect of repeated daily swearing on experimental pain. The volunteers were again subjected to pain by submerging their hand into icy water. And they again showed that swearing reduces pain. However, people who tended to swear frequently throughout the day had less of a pain-relieving effect than those who did not.

His latest paper, Swearing as a Response to Pain: Assessing Hypoalgesic Effects of Novel “Swear” Words, was just published in the Frontiers in Psychology. The authors show that made-up “swear” words are not as effective as the good old four-letter f-word.

The conclusion of this 6,500-word research paper suggests that there is still a lot more swearing …er … I mean, studying to be done on this subject. Whether this is a good use of the British taxpayers’ money is another matter. Is the ultimate goal to save the British National Health Service money by replacing pain medications with scientifically validated swear words?

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It is not surprising that when a doctor is tired or hurried he or she is more likely to make a mistake. A new study published in JAMA Network Open provides some hard data on doctor performance as it relates to the prescribing of opioid (narcotic) analgesics. Opioids are still overprescribed, especially for migraine headache patients.

The researchers at the University of Minnesota discovered that doctors were 33% more likely to prescribe an opioid pain medicine at the end of the workday than in the beginning. If the doctor was running an hour or more behind schedule her or she was 17% more likely to prescribe an opioid. Prescribing of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and referral to physical therapy did not display similar patterns. This was a very large study which means that the results are likely to be reliable. The study looked at 5,603 primary care practitioners who were involved in 678,319 primary care encounters for a painful condition.

Prescribing an opioid seems like a quick fix for a problem that saves doctors time, but usually is not be the best treatment for the patient.

Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman in his book, Thinking Fast and Slow suggests that there are additional and easily correctable factors that may be contributing to poor decision making. Here are some quotes from the book.

“The most surprising discovery made by Baumeister’s group shows, as he puts it, that the idea of mental energy is more than a mere metaphor. The nervous system consumes more glucose than most other parts of the body, and effortful mental activity appears to be especially expensive in the currency of glucose. When you are actively involved in difficult cognitive reasoning or engaged in a task that requires self-control, your blood glucose level drops.

The bold implication of this idea is that the effects of ego depletion could be undone by ingesting glucose, and Baumeister and his colleagues have confirmed this hypothesis in several experiments… Restoring the level of available sugar in the brain had prevented the deterioration of performance.

A disturbing demonstration of depletion effects in judgment was recently reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The unwitting participants in the study were eight parole judges in Israel. They spend entire days reviewing applications for parole. The cases are presented in random order, and the judges spend little time on each one, an average of 6 minutes. (The default decision is denial of parole; only 35% of requests are approved. The exact time of each decision is recorded, and the times of the judges’ three food breaks—morning break, lunch, and afternoon break—during the day are recorded as well.) The authors of the study plotted the proportion of approved requests against the time since the last food break. The proportion spikes after each meal, when about 65% of requests are granted. During the two hours or so until the judges’ next feeding, the approval rate drops steadily, to about zero just before the meal. As you might expect, this is an unwelcome result and the authors carefully checked many alternative explanations. The best possible account of the data provides bad news: tired and hungry judges tend to fall back on the easier default position of denying requests for parole. Both fatigue and hunger probably play a role.”

So for best results you may want to try to see your doctor right after lunch and hope that he or she had time to eat lunch.

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We’ve been prescribing medical marijuana for migraines and other painful conditions since it was legalized in the state of New York four years ago. While it does not seem to help most of our patients, it does benefit a significant minority. The benefits may include relief of pain, nausea, anxiety, and improved sleep. Various ratios of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) produce different effects and often neither one alone is as effective as a combination of the two (so called entourage effect). Although marijuana is a very effective medicine for some patients, there is no good science to explain how it works, in what combination of ingredients and for what types of pain.

A very interesting study that sheds some light on the possible mechanism of action of THC was just published in a leading neurology journal, Neurology by Israeli researchers. They enrolled fifteen patients with chronic neuropathic pain in the leg (like sciatica) in a double-blind placebo-controlled crossover study. Nine patients were given THC in the first part of the study and placebo in the second and six were given placebo first and then THC. In addition to measuring the effect of THC on pain the researchers performed functional MRI (fMRI) scans before and after administering THC or placebo.

THC was significantly better than placebo at relieving pain and the fMRI scans showed THC-induced changes in the way pain may be processed in our brains. They found that THC produced a reduction in functional connectivity between the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), a major pain-processing region that is rich in cannabinoid receptors and the sensorimotor cortex. This reduction correlated with the reduction in the subjective pain ratings after THC treatment, meaning that patients who did not have pain relief usually did not have a decrease in the connectivity between the two regions.

The study also showed that pretreatment functional connectivity between the ACC and the sensorimotor cortex positively correlated with the improvement in pain scores induced by THC, that is, the higher the positive functional connectivity at baseline, the more benefit was gained from THC administration.

The authors also commented that THC combined with CBD may have stronger pain-relieving properties. Hopefully, the researchers will figure out the best combination of THC and CBD, but it is possible that other ingredients in marijuana contribute to the therapeutic effects. This could be why some of our patients prefer products from one dispensary and not the other and why some find that the whole plant is more effective than THC with CBD in any ratio. Most patients also find that products made from different strains of marijuana plant (sativa vs indica) have different effects.

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Medical marijuana appears to be very effective for the treatment of pain, according to a new study just published in the European Journal of Internal Medicine.

The study was conducted by researchers at the Soroka University Medical Center, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, in Be’er-Sheva, Israel. Israeli scientists have been at the forefront of the research of medical applications of cannabis, starting with the discovery of THC in 1964 by a Hebrew University professor Raphael Meshulam.

In the current study, the researchers evaluated 2736 patients above 65 years of age who received medical cannabis from January 2015 to October 2017 in a specialized medical cannabis clinic. The mean age was 74 years. The most common indications for cannabis treatment were pain (67%) and cancer (61%). After six months of treatment, 94% of the respondents reported improvement in their condition and the reported pain level was reduced from a median of 8 on a scale of 0-10 to a median of 4. Most common adverse events were dizziness (9.7%) and dry mouth (7.1%). After six months, 18.1% stopped using opioid (narcotic) analgesics or reduced their dose.

The authors concluded that “the therapeutic use of cannabis is safe and efficacious in the elderly population. Cannabis use may decrease the use of other prescription medicines, including opioids.” Even though it was a very large study, it was an observational study with its obvious limitations. They also stressed the need for double-blind prospective trials to confirm the safety and efficacy of medical cannabis for the treatment of pain in the elderly.

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Psychological factors play a major role in migraines. This is not to say that migraine is a psychological disorder – we have good genetic and brain imaging studies confirming its strong biological underpinnings. The divide between biological and psychological is very artificial since we know that physical illness leads to psychological problems and the other way around. Stress is obviously one of the major triggers of migraines and we know that people with migraines are at least twice as likely to develop anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders. These are not cause-and-effect relationships because anxiety and depression can precede the onset of migraines. The connection is probably due to shared underlying problems with serotonin, dopamine, and other neurotransmitters.

We have strong evidence that addressing psychological factors involved in migraines through biofeedback, meditation, and cognitive therapy can lead to the reduction of migraine frequency, severity, and disability. Studies in chronic pain patients have shown that people with external locus of control (thinking that uncontrollable outside chance events are major contributors to pain) have more disability than people with internal locus of control (those who feel that their actions are contributing to pain and that active involvement in treatment can relieve pain).

Chronic migraine sufferers (defined as those with 15 or more headache days each month) are known to have greater disability than those with episodic migraines. In a recent study by researchers at the Yeshiva University and Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 90 chronic migraine patients were evaluated for psychological symptoms. Of these 90 patients, 85% were women, their mean age was 45, and half reported severe migraine-related disability. They were twice as likely to be depressed and to have external locus of control. The half with severe migraine-related disability were 3.5 times more likely to have anxiety and depression and were twice as likely to have a symptom described as catastrophizing. Catastrophizing is defined as having irrational thoughts about pain being uncontrollable, leading to disability, loss of a job, partner, ruined life, etc.

The good news is that many studies show that with cognitive therapy locus of control can be shifted from external to internal, catastrophizing can be reduced or eliminated, and disability diminished. This may not eliminate migraines or chronic pain, but can make you less anxious and depressed, and much more functional. Cost and access to therapy can be a problem, but studies suggest that even online therapy can be very effective.

Besides psychological approaches, regular aerobic exercise (stationary bike is easiest for migraine sufferers), certain supplements and prescription drugs can also help. Supplements that can relieve anxiety and depression include SAMe, omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil), methylfolate, and other. Some antidepressant medications relieve not only anxiety and depression, but also provide relief of migraines even when psychological factors are absent. These include so called SNRIs (duloxetine or Cymbalta, venlafaxin, or Effexor, and other) and tricyclics (amitriptyline, or Elavil, protriptyline, or Vivactil, and other). The most popular group of antidepressants, the SSRIs (fluoxetine, or Prozac, escitalopram, or Lexapro, and other) do help anxiety and depression, but have no pain or headache-relieving properties. Obviously, all drugs have potential side effects and for most patients it makes sense to try non-drug treatments first.

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More patients with fibromyalgia suffer from migraine headaches than those without this fibromyalgia. Those with fibromyalgia are also more likely to have irritable bowel syndrome, depression, and panic attacks. Fibromyalgia has been a mysterious and an ill-defined condition. However, after years of research specific criteria for the diagnosis were developed and several drugs for fibromyalgia were approved by the FDA (Lyrica, Cymbalta, Savella).

A new study by researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital suggests that half of the patients with symptoms of fibromyalgia have damaged peripheral nerves, a condition called small-fiber neuropathy. They compared skin biopsies (a test to diagnose the neuropathy) in 25 patients with fibromyalgia and 29 healthy controls. In healthy controls only 17% had neuropathy. This type of neuropathy can also occur in diabetics, but none of the 25 patients in the study had diabetes. Other conditions that can cause small-fiber neuropathy are cancer, autoimmune conditions, various toxins, vitamin B12 deficiency, and genetic disorders, but none of these were present either, except for possibly genetic cause since three patients were related (a mother and two daughters).

The practical importance of this finding is that sometimes neuropathy responds to immune therapies, such as intravenous gamma globulin.

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It is hard to believe the report of a group of Danish doctors who found 28 out of 61 (46%) patients undergoing surgery for a herniated lumbar disc to have a bacterial infection in those discs. Just like the idea that stomach ulcers are caused by bacteria seemed preposterous, so does the finding of bacterial infection in patients with low back pain. However, after 10 years of skepticism and ridicule Helicobacter bacteria was recognized as the cause of many stomach ulcers and the doctors who made this discovery were awarded a Nobel Prize. Another recent surprise discovery is that babies are not born sterile but are inhabited by a variety of bacteria which they obviously must have acquired from their mothers while in the uterus. This was established by examining the stool of newborns immediately after birth.

Of the 23 patients with infections 4 had more than one type of bacteria present. The most common type of infection was with Pseudomonas acnes, which does not require oxygen to grow (so called anaerobic bacterium). Most patients with infections had abnormally looking vertebral bones (bone edema), although these abnormalities were not specific, that is they can be present without an infection as well. About 6% of the general population and 35-40% of those with low back pain have these abnormal findings on an MRI scan.

In the second randomized controlled study by Dr. Albert and her colleagues treated 162 patients who had low back pain for more than 6 months, a disc herniation and bone changes on the MRI scan, but who did not undergo surgery. Half of the patients were treated for 100 days with an antibiotic, amoxicillin clavulanate (Bioclavid) and the other half with placebo. The patients taking antibiotics experienced significant improvement for a year compared with those taking placebo. Improvement included the degree of back pain, sleep quality, and disability. Antibiotic caused only mild gastrointestinal side effects.

It is premature to make any definitive conclusions before larger confirmatory studies are conducted. However, in patients with chronic back (and possibly neck) pain as well as bone edema on the MRI scan treatment with an antibiotic should be considered.

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Calcium inside the nerve cells (neurons) seems to be crucial in making pain chronic, according to a publication in the journal Neuron by researchers in Heidelberg, Germany. They discovered that in patients with persistent pain, calcium in the spinal cord neurons helps contact other pain-conducting neurons resulting in increased sensitivity to painful stimuli. This may explain how the pain memory is formed.

Chronic pain caused by inflammation, nerve injury, herniated disks, and other causes often leads to a persistent structural change in the nervous system. This pain often persists even after the original cause, such as a herniated disc, is removed. Many chronic pain patients including those with chronic migraine develop allodynia, an increased sensitivity which results in pain from touch and minor pressure. Migraine patients often cannot brush their hair or wear glasses because of such sensitivity. In people with chronic pain, too much calcium inside the neurons that transmit pain makes them react to activation of neurons that normally transmit sensation of touch, heat, and other non-painful sensations. This excess calcium enters the nucleus of the cell where the genetic material is located and it activates certain genes that promote pain. One of the researchers, Prof. Kuner said that “These genes regulated by calcium in the spinal cord are the key to the chronicity of pain, since they can trigger permanent changes.”

Blocking calcium in the cell seems to prevent such increased sensitivity. Mice in which the effect of the calcium in the cell nucleus is blocked did not develop hypersensitivity to painful stimuli or a pain memory despite chronic inflammation.

Interestingly, magnesium is a natural antagonist of calcium and I would speculate that its deficiency may also promote chronic pain.

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It is not surprising that persistent pain can cause depression, but a study just published in The Journal of Pain suggests a possible mechanism and more importantly a possible treatment. Australian doctors examined 669 patients who were over 60 years old and were seen at a pain clinic. Catastrophizing, measured by a validated scale, was a reliable predictor of depression. They showed a strong correlation between pain intensity, catastrophizing, and depression. That is, if someone tended to think thoughts such as, “I will never get better” or “I cannot go on like this” they were also more likely to be depressed. Fortunately, this kind of thinking can be changed with psychological interventions and such change usually leads to improvement in pain.

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Pain is defined as a negative emotional experience that is affected by a variety of psychological factors. Some of the pain brain mechanisms involve endorphins (endogenous opioids) and cannabinoids (substances related to marijuana – yes, we have those in our brains) and they have been found to be involved in stress-related and placebo pain relief. A study by Italian researchers just published in journal Pain showed that when the meaning of the pain experience is changed from negative to positive through verbal suggestions, the opioid and cannabinoid systems are co-activated and these, in turn, increase pain tolerance. Healthy volunteers had a blood pressure cuff inflated over the upper arm to the point of pain and were asked to tolerate the pain as long as possible. One group was told about the negative effects of pain. The second group was told that the the pain would be beneficial to the muscles. The second group was able to tolerate pain much longer than the first one. When the researchers gave the group with the positive message opioid antidote or the antidote to marijuana, their pain tolerance worsened. Interestingly, the combined administration of these two antidotes completely eliminated their advantage over the negative message group. This study showed that a positive approach to pain reduces the global pain experience. The authors concluded that their findings may have a profound impact on clinical practice. For example, postoperative pain, which means healing, can be perceived as less unpleasant than cancer pain, which means death. Therefore, the behavioral manipulation of the meaning of pain can represent an effective approach to pain management.
This study is complementary to the study that showed the advantages of optimistic attitude mentioned in a previous post.

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German researchers examined the possible connection between headaches and low back pain in a study published in the recent issue of journal Pain. They questioned 5605 headache sufferers about the frequency and type of their headaches and about the frequency of their low back pain. Of these 5605 people 255 (4.5%) had chronic headache and the rest had episodic (less than 15 headache days each month). Migraine was diagnosed in 2933 subjects, of whom 182 (6.2%) had chronic migraines. Tension-type headache was diagnosed in 1253 respondents, of whom 50 (4.0%) had chronic tension-type headaches. They also found that 6030 out of 9944 people suffered from back pains, of whom 1267 (21.0%) reported frequent low back pain. The odds of having frequent low back pain were between 2.5 times higher in all episodic headache subtypes (migraine and tension) when compared to those without any headaches. The odds of having frequent low back pain were 15 times higher in all chronic headache subtypes when compared to those without headaches. One possible explanation for this association is that having pain in any part of your body makes you more likely to develop other types of pain. We know that persistent pain makes the nervous system more excitable and this in turn may predispose to other pain syndromes. We also know that people with fibromyalgia are more likely to suffer from headaches, and those with migraines are more likely to develop painful irritable bowel syndrome.

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Expectation of relief can enhance pain relief, according to a new study published in The Journal of Pain by Canadian researchers. This is not a new discovery, but provides additional confirmation of this important clinical observation. The current study was performed in 60 healthy volunteers, 15 of whom expected relief of experimental pain, 15 expected worsening of pain from the procedure, 15 had no expectations, and 15 were in a control group. Pain was induced by electrical stimulation of right leg, while applying an ice pack to the left arm (counterstimulation) was tested as a treatment to reduce pain in the leg. Those who were told that the pain will worsen from the ice pack in fact felt more pain, while those who were expecting relief, experienced less pain. A study published in 2009 by Harvard researchers showed that expectation of relief from acupuncture also translated into stronger relief experienced by volunteers subjected to experimental pain. Their clinical observation was confirmed by functional MRI scans showing stronger activation of pain relieving structures in the brain. The researchers concluded that while acupuncture provides pain relief by sending blocking messages up to the central nervous system, messages regulating pain perception from the brain down can affect pain perception depending on person’s expectations.
This suggests that having a positive expectation when seeing doctors and undergoing various treatments may improve the outcome of these treatments.


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