New report on topiramate (Topamax)

Chronic migraine headaches can be helped by topiramate (Topamax) even in those patients who are having rebound headaches from daily intake of pain or migraine medications, according to a report in the latest issue of Cephalalgia. Chronic migraine headaches can be helped by topiramate (Topamax) even in those patients who are having rebound headaches from daily intake of pain or migraine medications, according to a report in the latest issue of Cephalalgia. Common thinking is that in order for a preventive drug, like topiramate to work the patient first has to stop drugs that cause rebound headaches. This study suggests that patients can obtain relief even without stopping the drug that causes rebound. We find that the same is true for Botox – it can also help relieve chronic migraines without the patient having to first get off drugs such as Fioricet and Excedrin.

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