Strength training vs aerobic exercise for migraine

Multiple posts on this blog have described clinical trials that prove the benefit of exercise for the prevention of migraine headaches.

In a recent paper published in The Journal of Headache and Pain Stanford researchers compared the efficacy of aerobic and strength training exercises. They conducted a meta-analysis of 21 clinical trials that involved a total of 1,195 migraine patients.

Simplifying the statistics, compared to no exercise, strength training was 3.55 times more effective, high-intensity aerobic exercise was 3.13 times more effective, and moderate-intensity aerobic exercise was 2.18 times more effective.

For general health and for the prevention of migraines, 2-3 weekly sessions of strength training and 2-3 sessions of aerobic exercise would be an ideal regimen. As I mentioned in a recent post, an additional benefit of exercise is a larger brain volume. The only other intervention that has been shown to expand the brain and prevent its shrinkage with age is meditation.

Exercise and meditation are the first two recommendations on my list of top 10 treatments described in my latest book, The End of Migraines: 150 Ways to Stop Your Pain.

  1. Dr. Mauskop says: 12/07/20223:20 pm

    There are several ways to deal with headaches triggered by exercise. Taking medicine an hour before exercise can help. Sometimes Tylenol or Advil will do the job, sometimes a prescription drug such as sumatriptan can be very effective. Gradually building up the intensity of exercise, good hydration, and certain supplements such as magnesium and CoQ10 can also help. Many other migraine treatments can also help prevent exercise-induced migraines. Check out my book, The End of Migraines: 150 Ways to Stop Your Pain for additional ideas.

  2. Lauren says: 12/07/20222:31 pm

    What do you do when increasing your heart rate via exercise is a major trigger for days-long migraine? I really miss my old spin class routines. Thank you so much for your informative and hope-providing blog posts.

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